Team: Sydney MM

Team Details: Sydney MM

Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024
This team is no longer active
NameSydney MM
Web site
Own Tradition Syd Sydney
Year Founded
Ceased (year)2008
General Notes
Formed by Tony Davies, ex- Hartley MM. Elected to Morris Ring 1979.
Seasonal Customs
Archive Notes

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Photos: Sydney MM

Dance Repertoire for Sydney MM

Trad Dance StyleOriginSet HandsNotes Team Variations
Bampton Banbury Bill Cots.. Bampton 6 Hankies 1
Adderbury Beaux Of London Ci.. Cots.. Adderbury 6 Long Stick 1
Adderbury Black Joke Cots.. Adderbury 6 plus Hankies 1
Bampton Bonny Green Garters Cots.. Bampton variable Hankies 1
Sydney Cricketer's A.. Cots.. Sydney MM 6 nothing 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Derby Ram Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Long Stick 0 (own tradition)
Bampton Flowers of Edinburgh Cots.. Bampton 1, 6 Hankies 2
Bampton Fool's Jig Cots.. Bampton 1 Hankies 1
Sydney Free And Easy Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Hankies 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Heart of my Hearts Cots.. Sydney MM 4 2 short st.. 1 (own tradition)
Bampton Highland Mary Cots.. Bampton 6 Hankies 1
Adderbury Lads A Bunchum Cots.. Adderbury 4, 6, 8 Long stick 1
Sydney Lass of Richmond H.. Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Long Stick 0 (own tradition)
Bampton Maid Of The Mill Cots.. Bampton 6 Hankies 1
Sydney Maiden's Prayer Border Sydney MM 6 Long stick 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Moresque Cots.. Sydney MM 6 or multiples of 4 Hankies 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Mrs Widgery Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Long Stick 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Napping Border Sydney MM Multiples of 4 Long Stick 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Nutting Girl Cots.. Sydney MM undefined Hankies 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Speed The Plough Cots.. Sydney MM 4 Handclap o.. 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Steeple Border Sydney MM 6 Handclap 0 (own tradition)
Upton on S.. Upton on Severn St.. Border Dave Jon.. 6 Long stick 1
Lichfield Vandals Of Hammerw.. Cots.. Lichfield 8 Long stick 2
Sydney William Brown Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Hand clapp.. 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Worcester Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Long stick 0 (own tradition)
Sydney Worcester Hankie Cots.. Sydney MM 6 Hankies 0 (own tradition)
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Dance style: #
#Defunct : this team is no longer active.
This is the #MDDBprofile summary for Sydney MM provided by the Morris Dance Database