Team: Whiskey Rebellion

Team Details: Whiskey Rebellion

Last updated: 10 Feb, 2023
NameWhiskey Rebellion
Web site
StyleCotswold, Border
Year Founded2008
Ceased (year)
General Notes
Seasonal Customs
Archive Notes

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Dance Repertoire for Whiskey Rebellion

Trad Dance StyleOriginSet HandsNotes Team Variations
Bledington Donkey Riding Cots.. Binghamp.. 6 Long stick 0
Bassett St.. Drunken Idiot Border Bassett .. 4 stick, tan.. 1
Bucknell Banks of the Dee Cots.. Whiskey .. 6 Hankies 0
Bucknell Hick Stanky Cots.. Whiskey .. undefined Stick &.. 0
Bucknell John Barleycorn Cots.. Whiskey .. undefined 0
Bucknell Oddfellows Cots.. Whiskey .. undefined Hankies 0
Bucknell People's Dance Cots.. Whiskey .. undefined Hankies 0
Bucknell Queen's Delight Cots.. Bucknell 6 Hankies 1
Bucknell Rabbits in Australia Cots.. Whiskey .. undefined 0
Bucknell Strike the Hedgehog Cots.. Whiskey .. 6 Long stick 0
Bucknell Willow Tree Cots.. Bucknell 6 Hankies 1
Ockington Four Man One Stick Border Ockington 4 long stick 0
Red Stags Five in a Bed Border Red Stags 5 stick 0
Red Stags Mr Dolly Border Red Stags 4 long stick 0
Red Stags Titterstone Clee Border Red Stags 4 Stick 0
Shropshire.. Dawley Border Shropshi.. 8 short stick 0
Weobley Weobley Hankie Da.. Border Weobley undefined hankies 0
Weobley Weobley Handclap Border Weobley multiples of 4 handclap 0
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Dance style: #Cotswold, #Border
This is the #MDDBprofile summary for Whiskey Rebellion provided by the Morris Dance Database